Hikashu will embark on a tour of Russia and Europe next month. Notably, this time the tour includes some western cities.
Here's the dates:
October 15 - Vilnius Jazz Festival, Vilnius, Lithuania (with Oki Itaru) info
October 17 - Фестиваля Владимира Резицкого, Arkhangelsk, Russia info
October 18 - Arkhangerisk jazz club, Arkhangerisk, Russia
October 20 - Культурный Центр ДОМ, Moscow, Russia (with Alexei Aygi and Sergej Letov) info 1 info 2 facebook
October 21 - Erarta Museum of Modern Gallary Эрарта. Музей и галереи современного искусства, Sankt Peterburg, Russia (with Alexei Aygi)
October 23 - Kaliningrad Jazz pub, Kaliningrad, Russia venue
October 24 - Ausland, Berlin, Germany info
October 28 - Bürgerschule Nordstadt, Hannover, Germany info 1 info 2 info 3
October 29 - Makigami Koichi solo and duo with Lucy Railton on cello, White Conduit Projects, London, UK (Makigami solo - not Hikashu) info
October 31 - KoncertKirken, Wunderground Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark info venue
(updated on October 8 - Makigami solo gig in London is added. Please note that the venue of the Moscow gig has been changed from ЦЕНТРАЛЬНЫЙ ДОМ ХУДОЖНИКА to Культурный Центр ДОМ.)
For years, the band has been trying to reach western shore of europe.
They are now an international act - regularly performing in Russia, East Europe, and North America. But the western continent is really hard to break into.
Now it looks like they will succeed at last.
Until this time, Hikashu has played in west europe only a handful of times - some German cities in early 1990s. So this tour is going to be very important to the band. If it succeeded, they would be back surely. If not, well, it takes another dozen years for next time, maybe.
The reason why they tour Russia every year is because the audience is so enthusiastic about the band. The audience of the Canadian tour in 2013 was so great and the band still talks favorably about it. Although they're not succeeded yet to be do another Canadian tour, they would be very positive if there's a chance.
The band has been really trying to perform outside Japan for years.
So please - especially west europeans - show your support. Spread the word and attend the gigs. Such acts are of great help and encouragement to the band. Thank you and enjoy the show.