On the next day of Hikashu's March gig in Tokyo, Godzilla Legend, led by ex-Hikashu Inoue Makoto, holds a concert in Shimokitazawa, Tokyo on March 24. This time the line-up is the same as the ensemble's latest offer, Godzilla Legend V.
Inoue Makoto - synthesizer
Makigami Koichi - vocal, theremin
Mita Freeman - guitar
Sakaide Masami - bass
Shimizu Kazuto - keyboard
Sato Masaharu - drums
Tatsumi Kogoro - trumpet
Goto Atsushi - trombone
Yoshida Ryuichi - baritone saxophone
Momo - vocal
Koharu - accordion, vocal
March 24, 2018
"Godzilla Legend V concert"
@ Garden
Shimokitazawa, Tokyo
open 17:00 - start 18:00
adv 5,000 yen
Garden, Shimokitazawa, Tokyo