Jul 2, 2020

Hikashu Monthly 2020 July - attempt backing to normal, gradually

On July 2, Hikashu will perform at Star Pine's Cafe of Kichijoji, as a part of the on-going "Hikashu Monthly 2020" concert series.

The band had to cancel April and June shows, and resumed the series last month as livestream only. And this month they will have audience. It is the first time for them playing in front of people, although there is some limitation for the number of persons in attendance.

Also, as of the last time, the performance will be livestreamed on prepaid and could see anywhere, if the bandwidth is secured.

"Hikashu Monthly 2020 July"
July 2, 2020
@ Star Pine's Cafe
Kichijoji, Tokyo
open 18:30 - start 19:30
adv 3,900 yen - at door 4,300 yen
livestream 2,500 yen (3,000 yen after 19:30)
url https://tiget.net/events/94702

The livestream content is archived after the broadcast and possible to play until July 6.

At this point the situation is still unpredictable but something must be done. It's their way to attempt back to normal.