Feb 3, 2016

Gigs in February 2016 - Sendai it's been ages

Hand-drawn fly sheet for the February 5 gig

This month Hikashu will perform in Sendai, the biggest city of Tohoku region which is the northern part of Japan's mainland. Last time the band played there was 1980. So this is the first time for them to play there in 36 years. Surely the audience there have to had some patience. Of course there are some appearances around Tokyo as well. The dates are:

February 5 - Saravah, Shibuya, Tokyo
February 12 - Hearts+, Otsuka, Tokyo
Februaru 13 - Nihonbashi bathhouse, Komae, Tokyo
February 27 - enn2nd, Sendai

February 5, 2016
@ Saravah
Shibuya, Tokyo
other act: Mint-Lee noka, Zav-Barant-Bengenjzyan
open 18:30 - start 19:00
adv 3,300 yen - at door 3,800 yen

Saravah, Shibuya, Tokyo

February 12, 2016
@ Hearts+
Otsuka, Tokyo
other act: Kagaku Tokusotai, Rahulas
open 18:30 - start 19:00
adv 2,500 yen - at door 3,000 yen

Hearts+, Otsuka, Tokyo

February 13, 2016
"The Bathhouse Show"
@ Nihonbashi Sento
Komae, Tokyo
other act: Melt Banana, Boys Age, the fin.
admission free

Nihonbashi Semto, Komae, Tokyo

February 27, 2016
@ enn2nd
Other act: Za Ningen, Sonson Bentobako
open 18:00 - start 18:30
adv 3,500 yen

enn2nd, Sendai

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