Dec 6, 2019

Makigami Koichi is publishing a book of lyrics in December 2019

Makigami Koichi is publish a book of lyrics this month and it's called "Shikou No Mousou" ("Suprematism").

As well as his music, Makigami has been known for his literary works, and contributed lyrics to other artists for years. Although he has published several books, they are about music and his activities. So this is the first time for him to publish a book like this.

The publisher is Shoshi Yamada, a tokyo publishing house renowned for its poetry works.

It has a supplemental note by Machida Kou, a fellow poet, novelist, and musician. Tanikawa Shuntaro, one of the most popular poet in contemporary Japan, wrote a word of recommendation for the book. The publishing date is scheduled on December 20, 2019.

Makigami said: "This is the first collection of my lyrics. Sort of belated, as I've been doing a band called Hikashu for 40 years. From the beginning, my lyrics are intended to be read independently, apart from music. Publishing this book is quite a thrill for me."

The book's price is 2,700 yen. There is also a set of the book with download code of accompanied music for reading. Its price is 3,700 yen.

Makigami Koichi "Shikou No Mousou"
Publisher: Shoshi Yamada
Publishing date: December 20, 2019
B6 size, 2,700 yen + tax

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