Dec 31, 2016
The first appearances of 2017
The first full appearance of Hikashu in 2017 is held at Star Pine's Cafe, Kichijoji, Tokyo on January 25. This is also Makigami's birthday so be prepared to something special happen.
Besides, the band plays a set at La Mama of Shibuya, Tokyo on January 15. They are joined by Ikue Mori on electronics as a special guest.
January 15, 2017
@ La Mama
Shibuya, Tokyo
open 18:30 - start 19:00
other acts: Lee Jeongmi, Suzuki Aki, Tane Tomoko, and others
adv 3,300 yen - at door 3,500 yen
La Mama, Shibuya, Tokyo
January 25, 2017
@ Star Pine's Cafe
Kichijoji, Tokyo
open 18:30 - start 19:30
adv 3,800 yen - at door 4,300 yen
Star Pine's Cafe, Kichijoji, Tokyo
Nov 30, 2016
Arild Ansersen Trio Japan Tour 2017
In January next year, Arild Andersen, one of the top jazz bass player in Europe, tours japan. This tour is organized by Makigami Koichi who also appears as support act.
Arild Andersen – bass
Helge Lien – piano
Thomas Strønen - drums
tour dates:
January 12 - Mokkiriya, Kanazawa, Ishikawa
January 13 - City Gallary Core Hall, Takasaki, Gunma
January 14 - Kiunkaku, Atami, Shizuoka
January 17 - Pit-Inn, Shinjuku, Tokyo
January 18 - Candy, Inage, Chiba
January 20 - Coo, Sapporo
January 12, 2017
@ Mokkiriya
Kanazawa, Ishikawa
start 19;30
4,000 yen
Morrikiya, Kanazawa, Ishikawa
January 13, 2017
"New Year Jazz Concert in Takasaki"
@ City Gallary Core Hall
Takasaki, Gunma
other act: Third Person (Umezu Kazutoki - sax, Samm Bennett - drums, Makigami Koichi - theremin), Saga Yuki sings Nakamura Hachidai (Saga Yuki - vocal and guitar, Hayashi Masaki - piano, Sato Masaharu - percussion)
City Gallary, Takasaki, Gunma
January 14, 2017
@ Kiunkaku
Atami, Shizuoka
open 18:00 - start 19:00
other act: Saga Yuki sings Nakamura Hachidai (Saga Yuki on vocal and guitar, Hayashi Masaki on piano, Sato Masaharu on percussion), Makigami Koichi
adv 3,500 yen - at door 4,000 yen
Kiunkaku, Atami, Shizuoka
January 17, 2017
@ Pit-Inn
Shinjuku, Tokyo
opn 19:30 - start 20:00
adv 4,500 yen - at door 5,000 yen
Pit-Inn, Shinjuku, Tokyo
January 18, 2017
@ Candy
Inage, Chiba
open 19:30 - start 20:00
Candy, Inage, Chiba

January 20, 2017
@ Coo
open 19:30 - start 20:00
adv 4,500 yen - at door 5,000 yen
Coo, Sapporo
(updated January 1, 2017)
Oct 28, 2016
Makigami Koichi European Tour Winter 2016
In this winter, Makigami Koichi tours Europe. The dates are as follows:
November 24 - Narodowe Forum Muzyki, Wrocław, Poland
November 29 - Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia
December 1 - Bimhuis, Amsterdam, The Netherland
December 3 - Japan Foundation London, London, England
December 4 - House concert at Swan Yard, London, England
Maybe more dates to be added. We'll let you know it in that case.
(updated on November 6)
November 24, 2016
"Far Out East - Traditional Japan"
@ Narodowe Forum Muzyki
Wrocław, Poland
Makigami Koichi - voice, Nakamura Akikazu - shakuhachi, Tanaka Yumiko - shamisen, Yagi Michiyo - koto
start 19:00
November 29, 2016
@ Cankarjev Dom
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Makigami Koichi solo
start 20:00
December 1, 2016
@ Bimhuis
Amsterdam, The Netherland
Makigami Koichi solo - support act of the Yagi Michiyo trio
open 18:30
Ticket: € 18 / € 15 (CJP, student card, stadspas)
December 3, 2016
@ Japan Foundation London
Russell Square Horse Hospital
London England
Makigami Koichi talks about his art and career following solo performance
start 19:00
December 4, 2016
@ House concert at Swan Yard
8 Swan Yard
London N1 1SD England
Kit Downs (organ) and Tom Challenger (saxophone) with Makigami Koichi (voice, theremin)
start 19:00
Oct 24, 2016
Christmas Concert 2016 @ Daiyanyama Unit Tokyo on December 25
Hikashu has been held a special concert at the end of each year since 2008. It features various guests and special program. The band's falthful audience from every part of the country gather to celebrate the bright moment and this year's is no exception.
The guests are two distinctive artists who've been active since the early days of the Japanese new wave movement: Hirasawa Susumu and Kera.
Surely this is going to be a memorable evening.
"Hikashu Christmas Concert 2016"
November 25, 2016
@ Daikanyama Unit
guest: Hirasawa Susumu, Kera
open 17:30 - start 18:30
5,000 yen
Daikanyama Unit, Tokyo
Yoimachi 2016 @ Hearts+ Ohtsuka Tokyo on November 6
Hikashu will appear at a music festival called Yoimachi 2016 held at Hearts+, Ohtsuka, Tokyo on November 6.
The roster of the event is kinda huge and the schedule is not available yet, so please consult later at the official site.
"Yoimachi 2016"
November 6, 2016
@ Hearts+
Ohtsuka, Tokyo
open 10:30
Hearts+. Ohtsuka, Tokyo
Sep 8, 2016
Food (Iain Ballamy, Thomas Strønen) with Makigami Koichi Japan tour 2016 September 18-21
Food, improvised music unit consisted with Iain Ballamy on saxophone and Thomas Strønen on drums, tours Japan this month. The dates are as follows:
September 18 - Jazz Art Sengawa, Tokyo
September 19 - Odawara Castle, Odawara, Kanagawa
September 20 - Super Deluxe, Roppongi, Tokyo
September 21 - Dolphy, Yokohama
Food plays as duo as well as with invited guests. This tour is no exception - all the dates are with Makigami and other interesting artists.
Food official site

September 18, 2016
@ Jazz Art Sengawa
Chofu, Tokyo
guest: Hikashu
See here for details.
September 19, 2016
"Kanagawa Re-Koten Project"
@ Odawara Castle Park
Odawara, Kanagawa
guest: Arzhan Suu (Makigami Koichi and Sato Masaharu)
open 18:00 - start 18:30
adv 3,000 yen - at door 3,500 yen
Odawara Joushi Koen, Odawara, Kanagawa
September 20, 2016
@ Super Deluxe
Roppongi, Tokyo
guest: Makigami Koichi (voice, theremin), Jim O'Rourke (guitar), Ishibashi Eiko (keyboard)
open 19:30 - start 20:00
adv 3,500 yen - at door 4,000 yen
Super Deluxe, Roppongi, Tokyo
September 21, 2016
@ Dolphy
guest: Makigami Koichi
open 19:00 - start 19:30
adv 3,500 yen - at door 3,800 yen
Dolphy, Yokohama
Sep 7, 2016
Star Pine's Cafe, Kichijoji, Tokyo October 6
Hikashu performs at Star Pine's Cafe in Kichijoji, Tokyo on October 6.
October 6, 2016
"Hikashu's Autumn"
@ Star Pine's Cafe
Kichijoji, Tokyo
open 18:30 - start 19:30
adv 3,900 yen - at door 4,300 yen
Star Pine's Cafe, Kichijoji, Tokyo
Aug 31, 2016
Double bill gig with 88 Places Pilgimage on October 21, 2016
Right now there are two appearances for Hikashu announced: One is Jazz Art Sengawa (Hikashu and Food playing together!), and the other is a double-bill gig with Hachiju Hachi Kasho Junrei (Eighty-eight Places Pilgrimage) at Hearts+, Ohtsuka, Tokyo on October 21, 2016.
Hachiju Hachi Kasho Junrei is a trio with progressive rock flavour. Their official site is here.
October 21, 2016
"88 Hikashu Junrei"
@ Hearts+
Ohtsuka, Tokyo
Other act: Hachiju Hachi Kasho Junrei
open 18:30 - start 19:00
adv 3,000 yen - at door 3,500 yen
Ticket available on September 4
Hearts+, Ohtsuka, Tokyo
Jul 31, 2016
Jazz Art Sengawa 2016
The 9th Jazz Art Sengawa is held at the Sengawa Theater, Chofu, Tokyo on September 16-18. The line-up is as follows:
September 16 Friday
Free Improvisation ZOO
open session moderated by Makigami Koichi, Fujiwara Kiyoto and Sakamoto Hiromichi
Opening Ceremony
Chikotsu: Ohsumi Kenji (voice), Ohtake Dai (drums)
World Service Project
September 17 Saturday
Sound Play for Children
moderated by Tokidoki Jido (Sometimes Automatic)
"eyes" directed by Fujiwara Kiyoto
Roger Turner (drums, percussion), Oki Itaru (trumpet), Yanagiya Koharu (shamisen), Fujiwara Kiyoto (bass)
"legs" directed by Makigami Koichi
Jim O'Rourke (synthesizer, guitar), Ishibashi Eiko (keyboard, piano), Joe Taria (drums), Ivin Ronning (trumpet), Makigami Koichi (voice)
Yagi Michiyo Trio: Yagi Michiyo (electric 21-string koto, 17-string bass koto, electronics, voice), Sugawa Takashi (bass), Ohmura Wataru (drums)
"mouth" directed by Sakamoto Hiromichi
Phew (vocal) x Mukoujima Yuriko (violin)
Hayakawa Yoshio (vocal) x Sakamoto Hiromichi (cello)
September 18 Sunday
Sunday Matinee Concert volume 165
"Experience the strange world of microsound"
moderated by Shimizu Hitomi
"hands" directed by Sakamoto Hiromichi
Ohno Yumiko (bass), Asa-chang (tabla), Minakumari (sitar), Nakahara Masaya (electronics), Sakamoto Hiromichi (moderator)
"ears" directed by Fujirawa Kiyoto
Hashimoto Ichiko (piano, voice), Sakata Akira (alto saxophone), Tommaso Capperato (drums, electronics), Fujiwara Kiyoto (bass)
"nose" directed by Makigami Koichi
Food: Iain Ballamy (saxophone), Thomas Strønen (drums, electronics)
Hikashu: Makigami Koichi (vocal, cornet, thememin), Mita Freeman (guitar), Sakaide Masami (bass), Shimizu Kazuto (piano, syhthesizer, bass clarinet), Sato Masaharu (drums)
1 stage ticket - 3,000 yen (2,700 yen for Chofu-city resident - 1,500 yen for student with valid ID)
1 day pass - 6,800 yen
2 days pass - 12,500 yen (available while supplys last - limited quantity)
ticket available at The Sengawa Theatre Box Office, eplus
"Free Improvisation ZOO" September 16 Friday
admission free
"WorldService Project concert" 19:00-20:00 September 16 Friday
admission free - requires ticket but no charge
"Sound Play for Children" 11:00-11:45 September 17 Saturday
admission: 500 yen for adult, charge free for children
"Sunday Matinee Concert" September 18 Sunday
admission free

Sengawa Theatre, Chofu, Tokyo
Jun 30, 2016
Summer Tour 2016: Shizuoka Toyohashi Kyoto Nagoya July 18-21
Starting on July 18, Hikashu will embark on 4 cities tour. The dates are as follows:
July 18 - Freakyshow, Shizuoka
July 19 - Avanti, Toyohashi
July 20 - Rag, Kyoto
July 21 - Tokuzo, Nagoya
July 18, 2016
@ Freakyshow
other acts: Noisu, Sakabashira Imiri, Daichu
open 19:00 - start 19:30
adv 3,000 yen - at door 3,500 yen
Freakyshow, Shizuoka
July 19, 2016
@ Avanti
Other act: Jigen Gakudan #9
open 19:00 - start 20:00
adv 4,000 yen - at door 4,500 yen
open 19:00 / start 20:00
Avanti, Toyohashi
July 20, 2016
@ Rag
open 18:30 - start 19:30
adv 4,000 yen - at door 4,500 yen
Rag, Kyoto
July 21, 2016
@ Tokuzo
open 18:30 - start 19:30
adv 4,000 yen - at door 4,500 yen
Tokuzo, Nagoya
May 16, 2016
Hiroshima on June 18, 2016

On June 18, Hikashu performs in Hiroshima.
It happens that President Obama visits the historic city this month as well. It's the first time for a US president being there while in office. It's an epic moment.
The same thing applies to the band because it takes quite long time for them to revisit there. Last time they performed there is 25 years ago. Actually they've been contemplating to play there for years. It takes time but has succeeded to actualize it at last. Naturally the band's highly motivated and quite enthusiastic for the show and so the fans too. Certainly it'll be great.
June 18, 2016
@ Sumatra Tiger
open 18:30 - start 19:00
adv 4,000 yen - at door 4,500 yen
Sumatra Tiger, Hiroshima
May 15, 2016
John Zorn's Cobra Fukuoka Operation on June 17, 2016
On June 17 there's a performance of John Zorn's Cobra, a game piece composed by Zorn, held in Fukuoka. It's two days before the Hikashu's gig at the city.
The line-up is as follows:
avan (bass), Uchida Ryo (trombone), Kinoshita Takaya (accordion), Yoshiyanagi Takuma (percussion), Shirasaka Yasuyuki (taiko), Tomi (voice), Nakamura Yuji (bass clarinet), Horio Shigemasa (trumpet), Watanabe Toru (pipe), YoungJin Bae (janggu), Makigami Koichi (prompt).
June 17, 2016
John Zorn's Cobra Fukuoka Operation
@ Kantoukan Theater
start 18:30 - open 19:00
adv 2,000 yen - at door 2,500 yen
Kantoukan Theater, Fukuoka
Fukuoka Concert on June 19, 2016
Next month Hikashu pay their yearly visit to Fukuoka, the biggest city of Kyushu, an island located in southern Japan. The gig takes place at the Early Believers club on June 19.
For years, Hikashu has been visiting Kyushu for touring. Unfortunately this year they have to cancel some shows because of earthquake. But they didn't cancel the whole tour, decided to do one date instead.
It's been known that Fukuoka has a long and rich history of rock music in Japan. That means it has a great audience and some of them surely are looking forward to seeing Hikashu. So do not miss this precious opportunity.
June 19, 2016
@ Early Believers
open 17:30 - start 18:00
adv 3,000 yen - at door 3,500 yen
promoted Adachi Sendensha
Early Believers, Fukuoka
May 2, 2016
"Eyes and the Net" video
A video of "Eyes and the Net," a cut from the 2013 album "Bankan," is now available on YouTube.
Recorded live at Hearts+, Ohtsuka, Tokyo on April 1, 2016.
Apr 28, 2016
This year's Jazz Art Sengawa is held on September 16-18
— せんがわ劇場 (@SengawaG) 2016年4月20日
「JAZZ ART せんがわ2016」9/16(金)~18(日)
It's just announced that the date of this year's Jazz Art Sengawa has been set on september 16-18.
Produced by three outstanding musicians, Makigami Koichi, Sakamoto Hiromichi and Fujiwara Kiyoto, the annual festival for advanced pop, avant jazz and improvised music is artist-led and supported by the city of Chofu, the west suburb of Tokyo.
It started in 2008 so this year's is the 9th. It's a sort of miracle that such a bold and ambitious attempt has been continued this long.
Right now there is no information about the line-up but we'll let you know when it's available. All we can tell you is that this event is one of the best in this country and if you are interested in unusual but utterly interesting expression of music you must see this thing. It's convenient (15 minutes from central Tokyo by train), economic (quite affordable 3-day ticket available), and interesting (many bright acts including Hikashu). They're always up to our expectations and we're sure this time's no exception so make a mark on your calender not to miss it.
Apr 18, 2016
Sato Masaharu contributed soundtrack for NHK documentary
Sato Masaharu, Hikashu's drummer, recently contributed soundtrack for documentary program by NHK, Japanese public broadcaster. It has three parts and the first one just aired in Japan.
The program is about Amazon, the huge river in Brazil.
Unfortunately, it's only aired in Japan but the summary is available on net. Even it captured the moment Sato recording the soundtrack. You can listen excerpts as well.
ヒカシュー 、MASSA、針兎、黒やぎ白やぎ、等で活躍
— OK-MASSA (@okmassa) 2016年4月5日
ヒカシューの佐藤正治さんによるこの音楽制作の様子だけで、別個に番組作って欲しい・・・。「NHKスペシャル 大アマゾン(音楽収録風景)」
— Reverse HouseLizard (@YamoReverse) 2016年4月11日
The line-up for the soundtrack is Sato (percussion, voice), Ohta Keisuke (electric violin), and Hosoi Yutaka (synthesizer). As you might know, it's MASSA, the trio Sato has been leading for about last ten years. But there's a huge difference - it's all improvised, while MASSA's music is basically composed.
According to the clip, they went into studio shortly after watching the film, then just started performing. There's no written score or prior discussion. Sato said the film was impressive and made him inspired. The result is satisfactory.
Sato tweeted that the soundtrack will be released as CD. We will let you know when it's available.
A Grande Amazonia - NHK-TV
Sato and Matsuda Ryuhei, an actor who narrated the program昨日はNHKスペシャル「大アマゾン」第一集のMAにお邪魔しました。ナレーションの松田龍平さん、とても魅力的な方でした。
— 佐藤正治 (@MASAHARUSATO) 2016年3月29日
Mixdown at the NHK studio本日、NHKスペシャル「大アマゾン」トラックダウン最終日!!
— 佐藤正治 (@MASAHARUSATO) 2016年3月27日
Apr 13, 2016
Makigami / Smulovitz / Hirabayashi "Seikatsu" in Vancouver Canada on May 15, 2016
In May, Makigami Koichi goes to Vancouver for improvised performance with two outstanding artists.
Please join us for an exciting evening of improvised music and dance featuring musicians Makigami Koichi and Stefan Smulovitz and dancer Jay Hirabayashi. The evening will begin with a solo set by Makigami; Smulovitz and Hirabayashi will then join him for a trio to end the night.
15 May 2016 - 15 May 2016, 8:00pm
Studio D, SFU Goldcorp Centre for the Arts, 149 W. Hastings, Vancouver V6B 1H4
See here for details:
Goldcorp Centre for the Arts, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver B.C. Canada
Mar 20, 2016
Oboe may be added to the Hikashu's instrumentation someday
Recently Makigami started to practice Oboe.
The instrument is something left by the late Nomoto Kazunori, an ex-member of Hikashu who deceased in 2003, and passed to Makigami.
The cause of taking the instrument is a reunion with Mogi Daisuke. Mogi, an oboe player and conductor, was an old acquaintance and they came to know each other via Sakaide Masami, a mutual friend and Hikashu's member. Sakaide got to know Mr. Mogi when both were living in Germany and introduced him to Makigami.
Daisuke Mogi (1959–) was born in Tokyo. He graduated from the Kunitachi College of Music with a degree in oboe performance before going abroad to study in the graduate program at Munich Music College (now the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich). He studied under the famed oboist Günther Passin (1937–2014). After completing his degree there, he stayed on at the college as a lecturer. In 1987 he joined the Stuttgart Philharmonic Orchestra as first oboist. After returning to Japan in 1990, he became first oboist of the NHK Symphony Orchestra in April 1991, and also played with the Japan Shinsei Symphony Orchestra. In addition, he performed as a soloist with jazz pianist and composer Yosuke Yamashita, expanding his repertory beyond the classical genre. More recently he has taken up conducting, and he has also published numerous volumes of essays over the course of his career.
Makigami and Mogi recently started exchanging again through twitter, and joined Sakaide, the trio met at a music shop in Shibuya, Tokyo. They reminisced the old days in Deutschland, while Mogi gave Makigami a quick lesson like basic fingering and embouchuring.
Being an extraordinary voice performer, Makigami is also a multi-instrumentalist. Currently he regularly plays cornet, theremin, and shakuhachi. Also he used to be a bass player of Hikashu in the early period of the band, 1978-1982 (In December 1982, Sakaide replaced that chair and he's been staying ever since then.) More than that, he has a vast collection of ethnic instrument, mostly pipe and string instruments from asia and siberia, and occasionally plays them in public. For instance, recently he came to play hichiriki, double-reed instrument used for Gagaku, a traditional Japanese court music. You can listen to it on "Iroha Tapestry," a cut from their latest album, Ikitekoi Chinmoku [Silence Be Alive].
"Maybe someday I use oboe at Hikashu's performance, although I know it's really hard one to play. Imagining that, I feel somewhat gratifying. Is there any rock band using the instrument? What only reminds me of Roxy Music," Makigami said. In fact, he is known to be a big fan of Roxy. And surely that gratification is shared with us the band's audience as well.
Mar 16, 2016
ENOvations summer 1979 - the first western introduction
Recently Makigami tweeted:
懐かしい!! 資料を送ったら、ENOから返事が来て、しかもこのNewsletterにヒカシューが載った。— 巻上公一 (@MAKIBRI) 2016年3月12日
"I remember this!! We sent them our material. Then they gave us a reply, and even picked it up for their newsletter."
Apparently, they were thrilled.
It was summer of 1979. Brian Eno fan club's newsletter called ENOvations published a review of the demo recording of Hikashu. As far as we know, this is the earliest exposure of the band in the west, or anywhere outside Japan.
At that time, the band was already in negotiation with Toshiba EMI. Their first single, "At the End of the 20th Century," was released in December that year.
The demo was recorded in 1978. Not done professionally, contrary to the review implied, but it was completed with great care. It draw some popularity, widely circulated in Tokyo underground scene, and eventually led them to the recording contract with major label. Later it was issued as "Hikashu 1978" in 1996, now available as remastered edition, which was reviewed here:
Hikashu - Hikashu 1978 (1996)
You can see the issue in its entirety here:
Mar 14, 2016
Makigami Koichi joins Ikue Mori's residencies at the Stone NYC on May 17 & 19
In May, Makigami Koichi goes to New York City to perform at the Stone, the hotbed for NY downtown scene. It's a part of Ikue Mori's residencies at the venue and the line-up is as follows:
5/17 Tuesday (BM)
8 pm
Ikue Mori, John Zorn, Jim Staley and Koichi Makigami (voice)
Ikue Mori (electronics) John Zorn (sax) Jim Staley (trombone) Koichi Makigami (voice)
10 pm
Ikue Mori and Koichi Makigami
Ikue Mori (electronics) Koichi Makigami (voice)
5/19 Thursday (DDT)
10 pm
Improv set with Ikue Mori, Sylvie Courvoisier, Okkyung Lee, Jim Black, Makigami Koichi
Ikue Mori (electronics) Sylvie Courvoisier (piano) Okkyung Lee (cello) Jim Black (drums) Makigami Koichi (voice)
For details, please refer to the Stone website.
Mar 11, 2016
Gigs in April 2016
Unfortunately there is no Hikashu gig in March, but in April they are back to the live circuit. That month they have two gigs in Tokyo - April 1st at Hearts+ of Otsuka, and April 27th at Star Pine's Cafe in Kichijoji.
April 1, 2016
@ Hearts+
Otsuka, Tokyo
other act: Kyuchusen, Muteki Candy
open 18:30 - start 19:00
adv 2,500 yen - at door 3,000 yen
Hearts+, Otsuka, Tokyo
April 27, 2016
@ Star Pine's Cafe
Kichijoji, Tokyo
open 18:30 - start 19:30
adv 3,900 yen - at door 4,300 yen
Star Pine's Cafe, Kichijoji, Tokyo
Feb 3, 2016
Gigs in February 2016 - Sendai it's been ages
This month Hikashu will perform in Sendai, the biggest city of Tohoku region which is the northern part of Japan's mainland. Last time the band played there was 1980. So this is the first time for them to play there in 36 years. Surely the audience there have to had some patience. Of course there are some appearances around Tokyo as well. The dates are:
February 5 - Saravah, Shibuya, Tokyo
February 12 - Hearts+, Otsuka, Tokyo
Februaru 13 - Nihonbashi bathhouse, Komae, Tokyo
February 27 - enn2nd, Sendai
February 5, 2016
@ Saravah
Shibuya, Tokyo
other act: Mint-Lee noka, Zav-Barant-Bengenjzyan
open 18:30 - start 19:00
adv 3,300 yen - at door 3,800 yen
Saravah, Shibuya, Tokyo
February 12, 2016
@ Hearts+
Otsuka, Tokyo
other act: Kagaku Tokusotai, Rahulas
open 18:30 - start 19:00
adv 2,500 yen - at door 3,000 yen
Hearts+, Otsuka, Tokyo
February 13, 2016
"The Bathhouse Show"
@ Nihonbashi Sento
Komae, Tokyo
other act: Melt Banana, Boys Age, the fin.
admission free
Nihonbashi Semto, Komae, Tokyo
February 27, 2016
@ enn2nd
Other act: Za Ningen, Sonson Bentobako
open 18:00 - start 18:30
adv 3,500 yen
enn2nd, Sendai
Jan 25, 2016
Celebration - pictures from the Makigami @ 60 concert series
もうすぐだー!司会首になったので、記者になる!!— 三田超人 (@mitafreeman) 2016, 1月 15
巻上公一還暦ウィーク2日目、小澤弘邦さんによるステージデコも美しい!!— 三田超人 (@mitafreeman) 2016, 1月 16
巻上公一さんの還暦祝ウィーク初日幕開け!巻上さんのご人脈を思ったら、演奏でお祝いしたいという素晴らしいミュージシャンたちはたくさんおられるであろうなか、ジンタらムータにお声がけくださり、本当に光栄でした!おめでとうございます!!— こぐれみわぞう★MIWAZOW (@koguremiwazow) 2016, 1月 15
— yunniko (@yunniko) 2016, 1月 18
巻、梅、藤、清水 カルテット@吉祥寺スターパインズカフェ なう— 三田超人 (@mitafreeman) 2016, 1月 19
— 片寄明人 (@akitokatayose) 2016, 1月 19
巻上公一還暦ウィーク5日目 静かな感動のうちに終了— 三田超人 (@mitafreeman) 2016, 1月 19
「巻上公一ほんとに還暦なのか?」7日め超歌唱オペラチャクルパ集合写真— トノワヒロチ (@tschindrassabum) 2016, 1月 24
巻上公一還暦ウィーク、スターパインズカフェ全日程終了!!次は代官山ユニット24日マキガミサンタチもよろしく!!— 三田超人 (@mitafreeman) 2016, 1月 21
Jan 13, 2016
"Makigami at 60" concert series January 15-21 & 24, 2016
This month Makigami Koichi turns 60. Commemorating this, there are eight concerts held at two venues in Tokyo with lots of guest imcluding two evenings of Hikashu.
<< Concert Week January 15-21 @ Star Pine's Cafe, Kichijoji, Tokyo >>
January 15 - Jinta-ra Mvta, Byakuren, Chiku Toshiaki
January 16 - Hikashu with Inoyama Land and Ohta Keisuke
January 17 - Hikashu with Tokumaru Shugo
January 18 - Cho-Kayo Session (the great Japanese songbook) - Altered States, Shika Udai and Sato Yoshiaki
January 19 - Jazz Art and Absolute Pop - Umezu Kazutoki, Fujiwara Kiyoto, Shimizu Kazuto, Chocolat & Akito
January 20 - An evening of Khoomei and Drombo - Naokawa Reo, Yamakawa Fuyuki, Obiki Hiroshi and others
January 21 - Improvisation and traditional Japanese music - Sakamoto Hiromichi, Yanagiya Koharu, Chikotsu, Jammah Shimamura, Naito Tetsuro
<< Grand finale - duo and trio @ Unit, Daikanyama, Tokyo >>
January 24 - Makigami & EY∃, Makigami & Tanaka Min, Makigami Santachi, and Kafka Ibiki
Star Pine's Cafe, Kichijoji, Tokyo
Unit, Daikanyama, Tokyo